Provider: internet
Today there are two-step authentication methods and experience designs advanced enough to guide people and make recommendations to them, however, statistics indicate that these efforts do not reach many people:The most used passwords in the world! they are also the weakest!
Hoy existen métodos de autenticación de dos pasos y diseños de experiencia lo suficientemente avanzados como para guiar a las personas y realizarles recomendaciones, sin embargo, las estadísticas indican que estos esfuerzos no alcanzan a muchas personas: ¡Las contraseñas más usadas del mundo son también las más débiles!
According to the report of various companies linked to secure password management, there are still bad habits on the part of people when creating them. And these affirm that the 20 passwords that are most repeated in use, can be decrypted in such low time figures that you would be surprised.
List of the most used and insecure passwords
These are some of the most used passwords in the world and many of them remain in the ranking, resisting the passage of time:
1) 123456
2) 123456789
3) 12345
4) qwerty
5) password
6) 12345678
7) 111111
8) 123123
9) 1234567890
10) 1234567
11) qwerty123
12) 000000
13) 1q2w3e
14) aa12345678
15) abc123
16) password1
17) 1234
18) qwertyuiop
19) 123321
20) password123
As can be seen in the list, there is a great tendency to create only numerical passwords. 8 of the top 10 are just numbers and in an overly simple sequence.
Existing reports indicate that in most Latin American countries these global passwords are repeated, sometimes with versions in their local language. On the other hand, the names of people, football teams or the name of the country are also often used a lot.
If you use any of the passwords on this list, we recommend changing them.
How to write a strong password?
With just a little creativity you can achieve a more powerful password than any of the above. Here you have 7 DonWeb tips to achieve a secure password:
1. Combine Characters: To increase the security of your password or password it is a good idea to combine uppercase, lowercase, numbers and symbols if they are allowed.
2. Greater extension: The greater the number of digits or characters, the greater the security. A long password is also another good idea.
4. Use different passwords: Try to avoid using the same password on all your accounts.
4. Utiliza distintas contraseñas: Intenta evitar usar la misma contraseña en todas tus cuentas.
5. Avoid writing down your password: Surely you have seen a movie where they find the access password under some decorative object or similar, right? Remember that reality is stranger than fiction... There are password managers on the Internet with accessible values that will help you free up space in your brain.
6. Use double authentication whenever you can: Some platforms and services offer this possibility. This adds a second moment of authentication at the time of entry, such as: a code sent by SMS to your mobile phone.
7. Change the password periodically: it can be tedious but it is a good practice to follow.
Bonus: here's a creative exercise to come up with a strong password
Think of the phrase of a song that you like and that you will never forget. Now select the initials of each of the words. It only remains to intervene with some preferred number(s) and assign some capital letters. For example:
Suppose you feel a great fanaticism for the music band Soda Stereo. His song "De musica luz" has the following refrain:
De aquel amor
De música ligera
Nada nos libra
Nada más queda
In bold, the initials of each word could form your password. You could then reinforce it by capitalizing the first and last character (or another character you remember for some reason). And finally, you could add a number, perhaps the members of the band (there were 3). You already have a password: DaadmlnnlnmQ3
Much harder to crack than 12345 right?
We invite you to use this system, apply it outside of music or transform it according to your ideas or needs.
Web Security: DonWeb helps you
If you have a website, be it an institutional page, or an online store, a blog or a site where you show your work as a freelancer, is a good idea take all necessary precautions to make it a safe place for your visitors or customers.
Un requisito cada vez más ineludible son los Certificados SSL. En primera instancia para evitar ataques de hackers e intentos de robos de información. Y además porque el mismo es tenido en cuenta por buscadores como Google como factor de posicionamiento. Los sitios web que no cuentan con uno, son anunciados como peligrosos lo que ahuyenta a los usuarios.
At DonWeb we have SSL to increase user confidence in your website and improve your online reputation. We will wait for you.